Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

Task 5


Group name:
A. Akbar Makmun
2. Fikri Yuhendra
3. Istiqomah
4. Rizky Miftahul Akbar
5. Roni Mulyado

Brahma: My daughter, if you've found the right person for you?
Shinta: No dad, I'm still looking for the best to become my husband.
Brahma: I want you to get married
Shinta: Well dad

Shinta and Hanuman met to talk about things that are commanded by his father.

Shinta: Hanuman .. Hanuman, where are you?
Hanuman: What Shinta, you look so glum?
Shinta: Yeah, my dad told me to get married.
        Can you find a partner for me?
Hanuman: Look man, what you are interested in her? (Pointing rama)
Shinta: Hmm, yes .. (Blush)
Hanuman: Why do not you try to approach it ...?
Shinta: But I'm ashamed to say hello!
Hanuman: Do not be shy, there has been greeted him!

Rama turned and walked to Shinta

Rama: hi pretty girl, may I meet you?
Shinta: shinta yes my name, what's your name?
Rama: My name Rama

after they met, they also establish love. But they face a problem, Ravana was abducting Shinta and brought to the country Alengka

Hanuman: Rama, Shinta was kidnapped by Ravana
Rama: what,,? Why Ravana kidnapped Shinta ..?
Hanuman: because he also likes Shinta Shinta so Ravana wanted to grab you.

After Hanuman told Rama that Shinta was abducted by Ravana, Rama was soon looking for ways to help Shinta.

Ravana: nothing will be able to help you, Shinta.
Shinta: Impossible, Prince Rama will come to help me and will
  beat you
Ravana: hahaha ... I am a giant invincible and the strongest in the country

Rama came to the country to help Alengka Shinta and defeat Ravana.

Rama: Shinta ... I came to help.
Shinta: Rama, please release me from captivity of Ravana ..
Ravana: You will not be able to liberate Shinta, Rama?
Rama: I will liberate Shinta and will kill Ravana.
Ravana: Let's fight to prove who is going to get the Sprott
Rama: Let's fight
Ravana: I'll kill you
Rama: Let's fight!

They fight to determine who the winners. Finally, Rama killed Ravana and returned to earth with shinta. Rama and Shinta were heading home

Shinta: My father came home
Brahma: My daughter, are you okay?
Shinta: I'm fine dad, who had been rescued Rama
Brahma: Thank you for your help Rama.
I am indebted to you, because ye have brought my children up home safely.
In return you will marry me with purtiku.
Rama: Do Shinta would be my wife?
Brahma: Of course, right Shinta?
Shinta: Yes father, I want to be the wife of Rama.

Rama and Shinta eventually married and they lived happily ...

The End

Task 6 Report

Fungi are eukaryotic organisms that make up the world of Regnum fungi or fungi. fungi only grow at certain times, on certain conditions that support, and long life are limited. For example, many fungi appear during the rainy season in rotten wood, litter, or straw. however, this fungus die soon after the dry season comes.

But the difference is a fungus, the fungus is regarded as a specimen Clathrus archeri, or "Devil's Fingers". looks like a cold hand, and as the bodies are trying to get out of the earth (reached out to pull the whole body of a zombie out of the earth). these fungi even look like a tattered arm near the wrist.